Key Portfolio Management Documents

MoP methodology defines the following as key portfolio management documents:

Portfolio Strategy

The portfolio strategy indicates what will be delivered by the portfolio and enables senior stakeholders to understand where the portfolio is heading (vision, mission and objectives) and how it is designed to help the organization to reach its strategic goals.

Portfolio Delivery Plan

The portfolio delivery plan is more detailed than the portfolio strategy. This document acts as the baseline for monitoring progress of the portfolio. The delivery plan goes in to details such as when it will be delivered, what are the milestones, risks, costs, people requirements and other factors.

Portfolio Benefits Realization Plan

Portfolio benefits realization plan is a summary of benefits that are forecasted to be achieved by the portfolio for a set time period (usually a quarter or a year). This can also be used as a baseline for tracking benefits. Note that this does not include actuals.

Portfolio Dashboard

Portfolio dashboard is a presentation of planned vs. actual progress of collective initiatives within the portfolio. This will enable stakeholders to identify areas where potential issues may occur. Note that any forecast and actuals comparison is highlighted in the portfolio dashboard. For example, portfolio benefits realization plan indicates only planned benefits and portfolio financial plan includes only planned finances, but portfolio dashboard includes both planned and actuals.

Portfolio Resource Schedule

Portfolio resource schedule specifies the capacity of resources and their availability to support change initiatives within the portfolio is outlined in the portfolio resource schedule. This document will also include slack, over- and under-capacity.

Portfolio Financial Plan

Portfolio financial plan contains the budget for the portfolio. This is acts as the baseline for tracking expenditure. Note that this does not include actuals.

Portfolio Management Framework

Portfolio management framework acts as a reference to stakeholders on the portfolio management practices of the organization and how the portfolio governance takes place.

Portfolio Benefits Management Framework

Portfolio benefits management framework provides a consistent mechanism to manage benefits of all projects within the portfolio.

Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Portfolio stakeholder engagement plan provides a framework for consistent engagement of stakeholders and communications for the portfolio.

Written by Inham Hassen

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